Sonya's Chickens

Picture Book Read Aloud

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book summary

Sonya’s Chickens tells the story of a young girl who has her very own chickens. She has 3 hens that she loves and cares for daily, keeping their pen clean and keeping them with enough food and water to make them healthy.  The book goes into what often happens on a farm with livestock, and a predator gets into the chicken coop, taking one of her hens with it. Sonya’s Papa does an amazing job explaining to her what happened to her chicken and why it had to happen the way it did.  He helped her understand the loss and how all creatures on the earth are tasked with providing for their loved ones as best as they can, which helps her make peace with the event and move forward.  Sonya's Chickens is a compassionate story of love and responsibility.

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suggested teaching point

On page 13, guide students to make a prediction.  One night, Sonya hears “a ruckus of squawking and shuffle-y bump noises from outside”.  She leaves the house to investigate.  Guide students to make a prediction.  What is Sonya going to find that caused the noise?

Looking for more teaching points for this book and other similar books?  Check out more Interactive Read Aloud Lessons HERE.