Holes in the Sky

Picture Book Read Aloud


book summary

Holes in the Sky , like many of the books written by Patricia Polacco, is based on memories of her own childhood. After the death of Trisha’s beloved grandmother (Babushka), her family moves to Oakland, California in the middle of a drought. Before Babushka dies, she tells Trisha that the stars are holes in heaven where loved ones watch over the Earth. Babushka promises that she will also send a sign from heaven that she is watching over her. In their new neighborhood, Trisha meets Stewart who has a grandmother just as amazing as her Babushka. Stewart’s grandmother, Miss Eula, is especially kind to Trisha and becomes like a second grandmother to her.

Trisha keeps watching for a sign from her grandmother but hasn’t seen it yet. Stewart notices a lonely neighbor that could use some cheering up. Miss Eula steps in to help and organizes other in the neighborhood in fixing up her garden. Seeing the community come together under Miss Eula’s leadership, shows Trisha that she might have been the sign from her grandmother that she had been waiting for.

Because of how Miss Eula completely took anyone, even if they weren't family, and treated them like they were so important, this book carries such an important message of the importance of family and loving one another. This book is also a gentle reminder that losing a loved one is hard, but our memories and joys we allow ourselves remind us and allow us to cherish that loved one as long as we live.

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suggested teaching point

On page 27, remind readers that asking questions while you are reading will help improve your comprehension and engagement with the text.

Miss Eula explained to Trisha and Stewart what had happened to Verna’s son Angelo. She said that what happened to Angelo might be why she doesn’t like kids playing in front of her house. Do you think that is a good reason for her not liking kids play in front of her house? Why or why not?

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