
Picture Book Read Aloud

Big Al book displayed with a fish

book summary

Joe loves to fish, but his dad does not share his son’s enthusiasm for fishing. In Joe’s mind, there is no better way to spend a day than fishing. Joe loves the peace and quiet that comes when fishing because it gives him a chance to be alone with his imagination. As much as Joe loves fishing, there is something missing. Joe really wants his dad to join him on his fishing trips, but his dad thinks fishing is boring and that worms are disgusting. So he doesn’t have to fish alone, Joe joins a fishing club so he will have others to go fishing with. Not long after joining, the fishing club announces an ice fishing trip where each attendee must have a parent join them on the trip. Joe’s father does not really want to go, but he feels bad that Joe won’t be able to go unless he agrees to go with him. Much to his surprise, Joe’s father ended up having fun on the trip and really enjoyed spending time with his son. From that day on, Joe’s father went on all the fishing trips with Joe because he had become “Hooked”.

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