The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County

Picture Book Read Aloud

Big Al book displayed with a fish

book summary

The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County is one smart chicken chaser. This smart young lady could catch any of the chickens on her grandmother’s farm except one…..the elusive Miss Hen. Despite her grandmother’s pleas to stop harassing the chickens, she was determined to catch Miss Hen, but despite the girl's best efforts, her favorite chicken, Miss Hen, always manages to escape.. This inventive, sassy chicken catcher tries everything that she can think of to catch Miss Hen, but this chicken is "fast as a mosquito buzzing and quick as a fleabite”. One day late in the summer, she discovers Miss Hen’s secluded hiding spot in the tall green grass. Miss Hen was sitting on a nest with “fuzzy chicks cuddling tight beneath her wing”. It would have been easy for the chicken chaser to snatch up Miss Hen, but after seeing the baby chicks, Miss Hen made the mature decision. The chicken chaser had a change of heart and said “I know you’re a mama now…I won’t trouble your babies.”

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suggested teaching point

On page 1 of The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County, have readers make a prediction by asking “Why do you think the girl wants to chase chickens?”

After reading page 10, readers can make another prediction. The girl has thought of several different ways in which she might be able to catch Miss Hen. Do you think any of her ideas are going to work? Look at Miss Hen in the illustration. Does the illustration provide evidence to support your prediction?

Readers can make another prediction after reading page 23 of The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County. The girl is finally close enough to Miss Hen that she is sure that she will be able to snatch her up. Make a prediction. What do you think the girl is going to do? What evidence from the illustration supports your prediction?

Looking for more teaching points for this book and other similar books?  Check out more Interactive Read Aloud Lessons HERE.