Ruby the Copycat

Picture Book Read Aloud


book summary

Ruby is the new kid in class. On her first day, she is sat behind Angela, who Ruby immediately likes because of the red bow in her hair. Ruby loves Angela’s bow so much that she comes back from lunch wearing one just like it. When Ruby sees that Angela is wearing a flowered dress, all of a sudden, she is wearing a flowered dress too. When the teacher asks what the students did over the weekend, Angela shares that she was the flower girl at her sister’s wedding. Surprisingly, Ruby says that she was also the flower girl at her sister’s wedding.

Throughout Ruby the Copycat, Ruby continuously copies everything Angela does, from the clothes she wears to the poem she chooses to recite in class. Everyone is starting to notice that Ruby is always trying to dress and act like Angela. At first, Angela takes Ruby copying her as a compliment, but it doesn’t take her long to realize that she doesn’t like it. Angela writes Ruby a note and lets her know that she does not like being copied all the time.

Miss Hart, Ruby’s teacher, tries to encourage her to be her own person rather than trying to be just like Angela. Miss Hart encourages her just to be Ruby. Ruby takes Miss Hart’s message the wrong way and starts copying everything the teacher does instead. Miss Hart talks to Ruby again and works to uncover what Ruby likes to do. This time Ruby gets the message and shows everyone her own unique talent. Ruby reveals that she is the best hopper in the class, and the whole class begins to hop, just like Ruby. Ruby is now leading all of her classmates, including Angela, in the “Ruby Hop.”

Fitting in at a new school or with a new class is something that most students can relate to. Often times, kids are nervous that they won’t be liked or accepted for who they are.

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Ruby the Copycat
By Rathmann, Margaret, Rathmann, Peggy
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suggested teaching point

Using Ruby the Copycat, students can practice making predictions.

Page 23: Make a prediction.  Ruby is about to hop around the classroom and show everyone how well she can hop.  What do you think is going to happen after she shows the class how well she can hop?  Turn to your partner and share your idea.

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