A Bike Like Sergio's

Picture Book Read Aloud


book summary

Ruben feels like he is the only kid without a bike. Ruben's birthday is coming, and his friend suggests that he just ask for a bike for his birthday, but Ruben knows that he wouldn't be able to get a bike for his birthday because his parent couldn't afford it. Ruben often goes to the store for his mom. One day at the store, Ruben sees a one-hundred-dollar bill fall out of a woman's purse and picks it up. One hundred dollars would buy a great bike, but Ruben faces the internal struggle of what is the right thing to do, even if it means he won't be able to buy the bike he wants so badly.

This is a great story for teaching integrity and how the right decision isn't necessarily the easiest one or the one that feels the best in the moment. Ultimately, Ruben does the right thing, but the struggle to get there feels very true to life for a kid his age which makes it easy to relate to. Ruben shares that he felt good after giving the money back to the lady who had lost it, but he also confesses that he’s a bit sad that he won’t be able to buy the bike that he has been dreaming about for so long.

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suggested teaching point

On page 8, guide reader to think about the problem.

So far, the author has shown us two different problems Ruben is facing. First, he is a bit envious that he does not have bike like Sergio’s bike. Then, he picks up something that does not belong to him and puts it in his pocket. On this page, we are going to learn about another problem Ruben will need to deal with. Which of these problems do you think is going to be the hardest for Ruben to

solve? Why do you think it will be the most challenging?

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